Project X: Classified Research Report

Date: Classified
Location: Earth

Subject: Project X Overview

Classified Information - Eyes Only

As an extraterrestrial researcher and scientist entrusted with studying the anomalies of Earth, I present this report detailing Project X, a covert research initiative conducted by our scientific community. Project X aimed to delve into the intricacies of genetic manipulation and the creation of anthropomorphic beings, known as Anthros, on Earth.

In the aftermath of the Covid pandemic of 2020, our scientific community embarked on Project X with the clandestine objective of exploring the boundaries of genetic manipulation. Motivated by a curiosity to unravel the mysteries of Earth's biology, Project X was initiated to push the boundaries of scientific understanding and expand our knowledge of sentient life forms.

Utilizing advanced genetic engineering techniques and employing a specialized apparatus known as the Geno-Fusion Processor, Project X sought to blend genetic material from disparate species. The Geno-Fusion Processor, a marvel of extraterrestrial technology, orchestrated the seamless merging of DNA strands to create Anthros with a blend of human and animal characteristics.
The initial success of Project X resulted in the creation of Eva, the first successful Anthro. With a furry, anthropomorphic fox form, Eva exhibited remarkable intelligence and adaptability, providing invaluable insights into the potential of genetic manipulation.

Subsequent experiments within Project X, however, yielded unexpected outcomes, including the creation of the unnamed wolf Anthro. Characterized by heightened aggression and impaired communication abilities, the failed Anthro served as a cautionary reminder of the ethical considerations and complexities involved in genetic manipulation.
Incident and Consequences:
A catastrophic incident occurred when the failed Anthro breached containment and violently assaulted Eva, resulting in a forced impregnation and the birth of Reed, the unintended offspring. This incident underscored the ethical dilemmas and unintended consequences of Project X, prompting a reevaluation of its objectives and methodologies.
Project X represents a clandestine exploration into the realm of genetic manipulation and anthropomorphic engineering. As extraterrestrial researchers, it is imperative that we approach such endeavors with caution and ethical responsibility, mindful of the consequences of our scientific pursuits on sentient life forms.
End of Report
This document is classified and intended for authorized personnel within the extraterrestrial scientific community. Unauthorized access or dissemination of this information is strictly prohibited.